• What is an R-value?

    R-values measure the thermal resistance of insulation materials. Higher R-values indicate better insulating properties, meaning the material is more effective at reducing heat flow. This improves energy efficiency, keeping homes warmer in winter and cooler in summer. When selecting insulation, a higher R-value ensures better thermal performance and energy savings.

  • What is a U-factor?

    U-factors measure the rate of heat transfer through a window, door, or skylight. Lower U-factors indicate better insulation and energy efficiency, meaning less heat escapes in winter and less heat enters in summer. This helps reduce energy costs and improve indoor comfort. When choosing windows, a lower U-factor is preferable for optimal thermal performance.

  • I think I'm eligible for a rebate. What forms do I need to fill out?

    You won’t have to do much. Our office staff have submitted countless rebate applications and will guide you through the process, often requiring only a signature for the rebate packet we’ve assembled.

  • What do these acronyms mean?

    BPUD - Benton PUD
    CNG - Cascade Natural Gas
    CoMF - City of Milton-Freewater
    CoR - City of Richland
    ETO - Energy Trust of Oregon
    FPUD - Franklin PUD
    PPL - Pacific Power & Lighting
    SLC - Sustainable Living Center

  • How can I tell if my home is properly insulated?

    Signs of poor insulation include uneven temperatures between rooms, high energy bills, and drafts. The SLC can conduct a home energy audit, providing a detailed assessment. Call them today at 509-524-5218 or visit their website to learn more.

  • How can I tell if my windows need replaced?

    In regards to current energy efficiency standards, if your windows are single-pane or made of wood, they are likely out-of-date. Additionally, condensation or a fogged appearance between the panes indicates a failed unit.

    Schedule an estimate with us today, or give the SLC a call for a Home Energy Audit.

  • Can I get a rebate on my insulation, doors, and windows?

    You can call the SLC at 509-524-5218 to schedule a Home Energy Audit where your home will be evaluated to determine any shortcomings in energy efficiency, among other things. For rebates issued through energy providers, our office will facilitate any necessary documentation.

  • When can I expect my rebates?

    Most rebates require us to submit a paid-in-full invoice and potentially other supporting documentation before they will release rebate funding. Most entities issuing rebates (SLC, CNG, PPL, ETO, etc.) can be expected to issue funds 6 to 12 weeks after a job is completed and paid-in-full.

  • How long will it take to get my windows?

    Once we submit a window order to PlyGem, it can take anywhere from 4-6 weeks for the windows to be manufactured and shipped to our office. Once we have the windows in our possession and have conducted a quality inspection, we will contact you to schedule the installation. If the windows are faulty upon arrival, further delays may be experienced.